Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Ol' Days

Well, if you know me at all, you know I am a sucker for the sweet taste of nostalgia. There is nothing I like more than looking through old photos, leisurely perusing my "treasure chest", reading old diaries.... ah, the good ol' days.

The good ol' days, the bad ol' days....

the dad will you take me on a walk ol' days
the mom can I please just stay out a little later ol' days
the he's was my whole world weepy depressed teenager ol' days
the laugh until we cry ol' days
the lets drink out of keg cups till we puke ol' days
the oh crap I have to get a real job ol' days
the "I do" ol' days
the the wow someone let us have kids? ol' days
the toothless smiles and baby toddling ol' days
the my baby is in kindergarten ol' days
the look out she's getting a license ol' days
the oh shoot I spilled coffee in the freezer and made a holy mess as I rushed out the door ol' days
(really, I did do that.......YESTERDAY).

Get my point? Every moment in the past is the "ol' days". So, why should every past moment be relived, rehashed, dwelled upon and "what if-ed" to death?

There is no sense living in the "what if". Because "what if" is not reality. Reality is that we are where we are because of the choices we make along the way. Every little thing we've ever done has lead us to this very moment in time. And everything else is the past.

Luckily, I have had a pretty sweet life. And, I have a lot of good times to remember. I do love to look back, but I dont want to GO back. I try to remember that every moment that wasnt then is now. Every moment is a new beginning. Every moment is the beginning of a new memory.

So, I think that I will take these moments to go out and live life, forgive those who have wronged me, focus on the positive, make great memories and take every new moment that comes my way for the gift that it is.