Well, the rest of week was as crazy as the first part. But we made it to the weekend, and thats all that counts. :)
Did the Puyallup yesterday. Man, the freaking Puyallup. It just seems bigger and bigger every year, but somehow everything is still the same as the first time we went! Well, the same but more expensive! Usually, we try to go on a weekday and get the kids $25.00 "Dizzy Passes" (a bracelet for unlimited rides). But, we just couldnt swing a weekday this year so we went on a Saturday. $45.00 and they only got to ride THREE RIDES EACH. Rip off. And I didn't get my button either. Ah well, next year I guess.
This is us getting ready to watch "Wierd Als Brain", a 3D movie:

Oh! But I did buy a "CHAM WOW". Not sure what the diff is between it and the famous original, but dont really care either. Impulse shoppers FTW!!
We had friends over for a BBQ last night, except we kinda suck at BBQing so we had pizza instead. Worked out just fine! The Nortons have 3 boys who are all close to Ike and Jakes ages, Nicole has one little guy who is 18 months. Believe me when I say Kayla all but RAN out of here when I told her she could stay the night with her friend, haha!
The little guy was adorable! I've loved every age of our kids, but man I miss the 18 months age. They are just so dang cute and squishy then! And fast, man. Or maybe I'm getting old!
Its beautiful out there, and I'm in here. So, I think I'll change that. :) Happy Sunday.
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