Friday, October 2, 2009

TGIF, man.

Holy cow, its been a long week! Work was hectic, but not busy. Well, not busy with sales- but I was a busy little bee all week long. Splitting my time between CS and Training. Craziness. So glad its finally Friday.

Ali finished up at the fair on Sunday and has spent most of the week recouperating. She's leaving tomorrow to go back "home" and I sincerely wish she werent. I'll miss her. Its been nice to have my family here and not going anywhere for once. :( She took us to dinner tonight at the Muck. Brat won a bunch of $$ on the penny machine. UNBELIEVABLE!! But, awesome! :) I told her, its a sign that she should stay here...

Issac told me that he had twelve tests on Tuesday but that he thought he did well on all of them. He's having a bit of a rough time in math, though, so I'm wondering if TWELVE was an accurate estimate? haha. I'm sure that could have been a math joke at some point, but hey, like I said- its been a long week! :) He's asked if he can go to his friends house on Sunday to be the camera man for a stunt video the other kids are doing. Apparently someones parents are way cooler than me and let their kid put a half pipe in their back yard. Somehow, I'm thinking that four 5th graders, 2 quads, who knows how many skateboards, a half pipe and a camera do NOT add up to a good idea... Jake had to present his "me bag" this week at school. It was a paper lunch bag filled with items that represented him. He had to pick all of the items himself... here are his choices:
  • Something I enjoy doing- legos.
  • Something that I want to be in the future- an artist, so he brought a colored pencil.
  • Something I want to do better- drumstick (he got drums for his birthday!).
  • Something special about my family- he brought our American Idol Wii game because we like to play together and ALWAYS watch American Idol.
  • Something I did this summer- Went to Kellogg... I gave him a turtle shell that my dad gave to us after a trip to summer camp one year, so he used the shell to represent his trip.
  • Something I'm scared of- he said scary movies, but didnt want to seem like a wimp. He couldnt spell scorpion, so he went with "dead things" and found a little plastic skull.
  • Something that reminds me of a memorable event of my life: he picked the Nickelback concert and brought a back stage pass replica we found on the ground.

Kayla is doing really well in school. She's really working hard as ASB VP and in her leadership class to try and encourage "empathy" in her classmates. She feels its something her school is missing has sort of championed this as her cause. One of her classes right now is working on Greek mythology and such. She had to design a t-shirt that referenced a phrase by one of the philosophers and it had to be unique. She was especially pleased with the result: She colored the tshirt red and grey, then in black and in Greek letters she wrote: Only the blind will see the end of war. We always think we know our kids so well, but they never lose the power to amaze us.

Happy weekend friends!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret...

Ah ha! Now, you are reading- right? Well, mwuahahaha... its just the lyric the kids are singing in the background. They are playing American Idol. We always end up muting the TV and listening to them because its so dang cute!

Well, the rest of week was as crazy as the first part. But we made it to the weekend, and thats all that counts. :)

Did the Puyallup yesterday. Man, the freaking Puyallup. It just seems bigger and bigger every year, but somehow everything is still the same as the first time we went! Well, the same but more expensive! Usually, we try to go on a weekday and get the kids $25.00 "Dizzy Passes" (a bracelet for unlimited rides). But, we just couldnt swing a weekday this year so we went on a Saturday. $45.00 and they only got to ride THREE RIDES EACH. Rip off. And I didn't get my button either. Ah well, next year I guess.
This is us getting ready to watch "Wierd Als Brain", a 3D movie:

Oh! But I did buy a "CHAM WOW". Not sure what the diff is between it and the famous original, but dont really care either. Impulse shoppers FTW!!

We had friends over for a BBQ last night, except we kinda suck at BBQing so we had pizza instead. Worked out just fine! The Nortons have 3 boys who are all close to Ike and Jakes ages, Nicole has one little guy who is 18 months. Believe me when I say Kayla all but RAN out of here when I told her she could stay the night with her friend, haha!

The little guy was adorable! I've loved every age of our kids, but man I miss the 18 months age. They are just so dang cute and squishy then! And fast, man. Or maybe I'm getting old!

Its beautiful out there, and I'm in here. So, I think I'll change that. :) Happy Sunday.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Boot Laces and Wine

2 for 2! :)

Man, today was harsh. Stopped at the store on my way home for boot laces and light bulbs... managed to find the wine section along the way. Now, setting in for some Grey's Anatomy and some cheap wine.

All together now....

Ahhhhh...... Cheers.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Numero Uno

*As a disclaimer, I write how I speak and I say what I think. So, if my grammer isn't perfect or if I offend- well, you've been warned.*

So, I used to blog every once in a while on myspace. If you ever have time to kill, check it out... HERE. If not.. hey, no worries! I am so not that interesting.
But, I do like to share random bits of my life on the internet and lucky for me, someone invented blogging- so here we go!

"Life Is Good In The Land Of Jen" will be a little of this, a little of that. Kids, family, work. Just the stuff of life.

The stuff of life for today is: I'm tired.

(Yeah, kind of a crappy opening, but whatever.)

This week has been so long and its only Tuesday! My normal job is in customer service, but for our holiday season I am helping out training new hires. I really like both positions. But, after some discussion with the husband, I decided to try and change my availability to get off work earlier in the day. I usually work until mid evening and make it home JUST before bedtime each night. Its not enough time, I miss my kiddles! Not to mention my husband of course.

I think I'm doing the right thing- but it seems like it should be easier. Family comes first, always. But, I feel really guilty about possibly making the jobs of my coworkers more difficult. I'm trying really hard to find that "work/ life balance" but its tough. I guess we'll just see what tomorrow brings.

Today was kind of crazy. But you know what tonight was? AWESOME! Would you like to know why? One word: GLEE. Yes, I am a Glee-k. Gleek. Whatever, I freaking LOVE THAT SHOW.

Oh, you know what else was great?! I just realized that today is Wednesday! So, we are closer to the weekend than I thought!!

On that note, thanks for reading my new blog.

Much love,
