Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Numero Uno

*As a disclaimer, I write how I speak and I say what I think. So, if my grammer isn't perfect or if I offend- well, you've been warned.*

So, I used to blog every once in a while on myspace. If you ever have time to kill, check it out... HERE. If not.. hey, no worries! I am so not that interesting.
But, I do like to share random bits of my life on the internet and lucky for me, someone invented blogging- so here we go!

"Life Is Good In The Land Of Jen" will be a little of this, a little of that. Kids, family, work. Just the stuff of life.

The stuff of life for today is: I'm tired.

(Yeah, kind of a crappy opening, but whatever.)

This week has been so long and its only Tuesday! My normal job is in customer service, but for our holiday season I am helping out training new hires. I really like both positions. But, after some discussion with the husband, I decided to try and change my availability to get off work earlier in the day. I usually work until mid evening and make it home JUST before bedtime each night. Its not enough time, I miss my kiddles! Not to mention my husband of course.

I think I'm doing the right thing- but it seems like it should be easier. Family comes first, always. But, I feel really guilty about possibly making the jobs of my coworkers more difficult. I'm trying really hard to find that "work/ life balance" but its tough. I guess we'll just see what tomorrow brings.

Today was kind of crazy. But you know what tonight was? AWESOME! Would you like to know why? One word: GLEE. Yes, I am a Glee-k. Gleek. Whatever, I freaking LOVE THAT SHOW.

Oh, you know what else was great?! I just realized that today is Wednesday! So, we are closer to the weekend than I thought!!

On that note, thanks for reading my new blog.

Much love,


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