Monday, May 17, 2010

I Have A Follower!

Woo! I have a follower! One of my favorite people ever, Terri Dewey! (waves excitedly to Terri!)

I totally meant to blog about the almost annual family gathering with Shauns family this last weekend. But, I dont think I have the engergy at the moment. Promise to post a few pics and stories later this week.

So anyways...
Lets play fill in the blank: Life is_________ in the land of Jen.
Good? Mostly.
Busy? Always.
Manageable? Barely.

Is it just me is summer bounding full steam ahead before we can even get out of spring? I feel like things are spinning, spinning, spinning around me and I'm just tripping and stumbling around in circles trying to catch up.

Work is so super busy (but thats a good thing, right?)...School is almost out and half the summer is already "penciled in"... my car needs work... my bedroom (ok, who are we foolin'- the whole damn house) is a mess... I want a pool, but the yard needs to be done first ... I've got a big event at the end of summer that I have to get planning, but I cant seem to get started... all my walls need painting, but I cant pick a color..I need to learn to mind my own business, but I'm having a hard time squelching my Super Jen to the Rescue tendencies with certain people in my life...I'm pretty sure I have deep vein thrombosis and need antidepressants, but cant seem to make myself go to the doctor...and, I need a nap.

There are a million other things on my mind that I could whine about and I could go on and on, but I'm just way too unmotiviated.

OK, so my blog is a little whiney tonight. See- I told you I need a nap!!?

With that, I'm heading to bed. Heres to hoping for some good solid sleep and a productive tomorrow.

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