Saturday, July 7, 2012

DAY ONE! Just Plain Steaming.

"A photo of yourself and a description of your day"

Well.... I pretty much look like I've been moving furniture all day, so no pictures! The man and the kids left this morning on a quick road trip, I decided to stay home, felt inspired to do some major STEAM CLEANING!

So, I rolled out of bed at promptly... oh, ok, not promptly, 9:00 and got ready to STEAM CLEAN! And by STEAM CLEAN, I mean go meet my friend for some garage saleing and Starbucks!

After a nice visit, I decided that I better get on the ball. I moved the dining room table and chairs out and fired up the STEAM cleaner, melted,  took a break, had a margarita, facebooked, STEAM cleaned, melted, took a break, had a daquiri, STEAM cleaned, melted... sensing a pattern?!

What? Dont judge, its hot! And they sell them all packed up like slushies now! and you know I love slushies!

So, in my maybe a tiny bit tipsy wisdom, I decided to STEAM  and rearrange all the  furniture...
Now I have a holy mess on my hands and guess what..... I've run out of ..... frozen cocktails! ...................................................................
You thought I was going to say STEAM, didnt you?!

Have a good night everyone!

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