Thursday, February 9, 2012

It Might Just Be Great!

About a year ago I attended a seminar for weightloss surgery. I entered a contest to have a surgery and all follow up done for free. I didn't win, and our insurance company didn't cover the cost. I did get some good information though, and gave the procedure a lot of thought.

I ended up on a mailing list and got an email about checking coverage again, so I thought "Well, probably not through mine- but maybe through my hubby's?" So, I sent it in.

Today, I got an email from the doctor- our insurance offers coverage now!!

I canNOT express to you how excited I was! I got the email and could barely contain the squeal building in my throat at even the THOUGHT of the future! As soon as I walked out the door, I called the doctors office and set up a consultation for next Friday!

NEXT FRIDAY YOU GUYS! I have to go to the consultation, followed by three months of preparation. And I can't wait to learn more!! Making that call today was the first step on my journey.

Life is good?! Well,yes, it is- but its gonna be GREAT!!!

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