Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Getting on track!

Look at me, with another entry in less than 6 months! I assume its just me reading this, so I'm feeling a little diary-ish.

In any case, I'm making progress with the hoops I need to jump in order to reach weight loss surgery. I went to the psych eval, which was fun. Some of the questions were "are you currently posessed?" and "do you think the walls are watching you right now?" ... um, no. I'm not sure how that all ties into losing weight, but it was entertaining anyway. It reminded me of those old fun myspace quizzes or the ones from YM magazine back in the day.

Anyway, did the upper GI, blood draw, EKG, chest xray and stomach ultrasound. Went to my first nutritional counselling session today and tomorrow is the scope. Moving right along!

We joined a gym a while back and finally started going . Someone (ahem, Shaun....) decided we need a trainer. I've gone a couple of times and even though I hate the thought of paying for it, I am already thinking the outcome is worth the effort. My trainers is already pushing me to do things I would NEVER even think I could do. I'm pretty sure his main goal is to take me to the brink of collapse and then say "see, its easy!". Ha, funny guy. (where is that sarcastic font when you need it?)

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