Monday, September 9, 2013

Countdown started today... failure also started today.

So, today I was supposed to start cutting caffeine, take vitamins daily and start stepping down from regular food to 3 protein shakes and an all liquid diet for the 2 whole weeks before surgery ....

Started the morning off ok - had just a single shot of coffee with non fat milk and sf syrup. Didn't take the vitamins because I haven't bought them yet, but tomorrow night on my way home I will pick them up.
Managed the morning, but I think I waited too long for the shake because I did the shake and my can of soup really close together and then found that I was STARVING. I had some almonds, but that didn't really help.
Started my drive home, ready to fall asleep and with my stomach growling like crazy... I stopped at McDonalds... I didn't make the WORST choice, but I didn't make the best choice either.
Decided to skip dinner... until it was on the table... and ended up eating tater tots w/ dip....
Should have made a better choice because about an hour ago I was super hungry again. PB  toast and 2 pudding cups.

Good God. No wonder I'm where I am.

Tomorrow is a new day. Yes. Tomorrow.
Or, now.

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