Sunday, October 6, 2013

Where the heck is the toilet!?

Well, I actually did it. I DID IT.

Finished all of the pre-reqs, finished the 2 week liquid diet.. It was more like a 2 or 3 ay liquid, followed by a cheat and then back at it.. but still.

The days before surgery went so quickly, that I didn't have much time to worry or dwell on any single thought. I did feel like the world was spiraling out of control. I went crazy cleaning, trying to get everything organized for when my mom and sister got here. I don't know why, I guess it was just nerves.

Thursday morning came, my check in was 5 am with surgery at 7. The 2 hours between went so quickly, I hardly had time to breath! My mom and sister had just into the room when it was time to go.  A quick goodbye and away I was wheeled.

At that point, you would think I was be the most nervous about this huge procedure I would be having, all the things that could happen... but all I could think about was peeing. Yes, peeing. I went before they wheeled me to pre-op, I went at pre-op and then when they came to take me to the Doctor, I made them stop and let me pee again!!

They wake me up from surgery, the first thing I asked? You know it. They made me use a bedpan, it was the worst. I kept asking  'Please, I can see the  bathroom right there, can you please let me walk over there?" No one would let me, they insisted that I must wait until I got into my private room. So I said, "well lets go then!"

They wheel me out of recovery to my real room, saw my family on the way. The were so excited to see me, saying hello so sweetly, tender little touches on my arm..." I said, can't talk, got to pee" When I finally got to my room, I was never so happy to see a toilet.

Why was I so concerned?  I guess I pee when I'm nervous, I'm like a puppy or something.

Anyway, surgery was fine - about as painful as I expected it would be. I have 6 little incisions spread out across my tummy. One at the top of my stomach, one right above my belly button, one to each side of that and then one below each of those...They are itchy, but not too sore. The soreness is coming from the inside, whenever I stand up. At that point I feel like I've done sit ups for days and maybe pulled a muscle. Once I get moving, I feel ok.

As far as eating goes, in the hospital they gave me only water in little one ounce cups , a popsicle and one "run" (10 little one ounce cups on a tray) of diluted apple juice. Got home, my mom has kept the runs coming and has also brought a few little cups of jello too. They keep making sure I go for walks and take all of my medicines on time. Things are going better than I thought they would. Here is where I am so far:

I started the liquid diet at 267
I went in for surgery at 257
Today, 4 days after surgery at 250

Progress, people! Progress!

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