Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Poop and Burning Belly Button

I'm 6 days away from surgery, and I have lost 14 lbs. Currently, 143.
I wasn't really feeling that well yesterday, so I didn't post. I noticed the night before that I hadn't pooped yet, and it had been more than 3 days so of course I started to obsess about it. I thought, if nothing by morning, I'll take something.
So, nothing by morning. Ducolax to the rescue. The rest of the morning, I felt ill. But, when it finally hit, I felt SO much better. Who knew?
Yesterday was my birthday, so the whole day was a treat. My folks cleaned my house, little gifts and flowers showed up throughout the day, a friend stopped by to say hello. The shining point of the day was my "gourmet dinner". My mom bought baby food, added a little seasoning to it and served it all fancy, in one ounce cups. All stage 2, very liquidy... but somehow, delicious. It was my first "food" since surgery. Up to this point, I had only diluted juice, water, very little broth and several one ounce cups of sf jello.

On the menu:
Garlic beef with potatoes
Cinnamon spiced fall squash
Plum pudding for dessert

LOL. Love my mom.

Last night I noticed that the incision closest to my belly button was really giving me trouble. I figured I was just tired, but today it is really, really sore. To the point that I started looking up stuff online and called my doctor. It just hurts so much every time I bend, stand, walk... whatever. I feel like I need to keep a hand on it to support it. There doesn't appear to be an infection, but maybe something is wrong on the inside?

In any case, breakfast today is a one ounce cup of "plum pudding", which is just baby food plums. That will promptly be followed by pain medicine, allergy pill and some dang Welbutrin because if I forget to take that I start to feel weepy and overwhelmed!

Update later. :P

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