Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Es You En.

What is going on with me? In a funk, I guess. I think it might be the weather. Yep, pretty sure. The weather and my pants not fitting right.

Here is the thing:
The Land Of Jen cannot exist without SUNshine, blue skies and a 75 degree high temperature for the day....(and daffodils, lilacs, reeses, popcorn, ribeyes and carmel...but I digress).

I hate the heat, but I would deal with it happily if only the SUN would shine! I am the girl who used to spray lemon water in my hair so that it would look like the girls on the SUN-in bottles! My twitter name even has to do with SUNshine!
Mother Nature, hear my plea!

For the love of all things shiny, warm, glowing and marvelous, send us some SUN!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Based on the past two days, I would say that Mother Nature heard your pleas!
