Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 3 - Perfect First Date

I've had so few first dates in my life, that I really can't think of what my perfect one would be. I have no bank from which to withdraw, haha.

My very first date was with a boy named DJ - he had his mom ask my dad if he could ask him if he could ask ME if I would go on a date with him. Yep, that took FOREVER to type. I was only 14 and I wasn't allowed to date until I was 16...he knew that, so he was very polite in going about things the "right way".  I thought the boy had a crush on me but I didn't know he "liked me, liked me"... He called me, asked if I would go to the movies. On the big night, he came to my house and picked me up, all proper like. He took me by his house to say hi to his mom and then to the show. I don't remember the movie, but I do remember his mom saying how well we complemented each other. How I was like the light and he was like the dark. I'm not sure about that... but, I'm sure she meant nothing but sweetness. He was a perfect gentlemen, with no expectations or pressure. We never went out again, but it was a great first date. I wonder if he even remembers that.

How about my last first date... 18 years ago, I was working in a McDonalds, a boy I knew from HS came through my drive thru and we made plans to meet up later. He had Shaun in the truck with him and brought him along later that night. There was a deck of cards, an inappropriate card game and a lot of beer involved... but the rest of our lives began that night. That was technically our "first date"... but our first date OUTSIDE of the house was a walk on the river trail and dinner at Mandarin Pine. How would I have known that that night would set the stage for my life? He held the door (sweet), helped me order (sweet), made conversation (sweet).... even offered to let me try his food (sweet)......  - asked if I liked hot things. Of course, I said! (so sweet)....... He gave me a pepper, I had never had one... and said "chew it a lot!"... he just kept looking at me with this smirk, waiting to see my reaction... (here is the moment my life path started to lay out in front of me).                                   

Man, I chewed as fast as I could, took some sips of water and said "Wow, that's really good".... while my steam was shooting out of my ears and tears were rolling down my face... and smiled like it was the best food on the planet. He just laughed, shook his head, gave me his water (mine was gone) and we went on with the night. We have spent nearly every day of the last 18 years together.
So, I guess his technique worked.

If I could have a first date again, it would be just simple. Dinner and a walk with a loving, sweet man would be just perfect.

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