Monday, August 26, 2013

Things are changing

Life is going so weird right now.
On one hand, I'm super excited to share that I just got approved for weight loss surgery and my life is about to change in a HUGE, HUGE way.
On the other hand, we are going through some big money changes and that part of our life is going to change in a HUGE, HUGE way.
On yet ANOTHER hand, Shaun just got a new job and his world is changing HUGE too.
I am excited, nervous, scared...
I'm a million different feelings about the surgery, and even though I know its awesome, I feel like I'm going to be left in the dust. He is on a trajectory, a shooting star at work... getting healthy... and I am still just here. Just hanging out.

Things are changing - its all going to be good - right? Why? Well, because Life is Good in the Land of Jen.
Most of the time, anyway.

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