Saturday, November 9, 2013

Yo yo, NSV and C25K

I was so excited to hit 229, 2 weeks ago.... and then I was so dismayed when I went back up to 232, then 232, then 234... good GOD, I thought I was going to throw myself off a cliff.
But, then I realized... you know what? I am still on prednisone, I am (was PMSing), I had just gone back to work and couldn't quite regulate my eating or energy levels... I decided to do measurements and try to find some NSVs (non sleeve victories).

I have lost 10.5 inches from all over my body.
I made it to the gym twice last week.
I did not eat even one Reese's out the Halloween candy AND I only had one tiny chocolate piece at all. At all since surgery!!!
My tightest pants are now falling off my butt
My shoe size shrunk
Melinda said I looked "Skinny".

So, so what.
I decided to cut myself some slack. Got some more sleep, drank a LOT more water, ate a LOT more protein and way less carbs. Starting keeping track of every bite and every exercise and BOOM. 227.
Felt pretty good about that.
Until this morning, when I was back at 228. What in the hell.

But, I think I've put my finger on it... all week, I planned carefully and ate pretty much protein only at almost every meal. But yesterday, I didn't have the ISOPure drink to keep me going from breakfast to lunch, I went out for lunch and then went out for dinner. I only ate maybe 1/2 cup of clam chowder for lunch plus 2 bites of steak and 4 shrimp for dinner. BUT, I also had 5 more shrimp later and a half a piece of pizza really close to bed time. Back to self sabotage, I see.

But you know what? Today is a new day. I had half a quest bar, because I was out and about and now for lunch I've just had an egg and a half. That's a good start. Now, I just need to drink 8 gallons of water, I mean, 8 glasses... and eat a good protein-y dinner and I'll be fine. :) And I'm sure I will see my reward on the scale by Monday.

On a side note, I decided to try out the Couch to 5K app. When I was young, I ran cross country and track. I wasn't the best on the team but I wasn't the worst at all. I had to really talk myself into distance running, but I liked doing 5Ks. So, off I went "start walking at a warm up pace", "start running"... and so, I did. And I ran each time it told me too! And I didn't die! It was awesome!! I felt so good when I was done, in my head anyway. My body was like "are you insane? Where is the inhaler and the icy hot"... but I felt good!

Today is day 2... my knee is sore, but I'm going to wrap that little baby up and go try it again. And again. And, again. :)

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